Kashti Adventures


Tired of the same boring gym workouts? Sweating your carbs out at an enclosed space sounds too monotonous and dull but what about getting out there and working out in a fresh and open environment which is equally or even more so beneficial for your body? You heard it right, there’s a way better trick to staying fit and that is through trekking. Not only do you get to trek in a beautiful environment but can also get so many benefits out of the same. 


We know going on a trek as frequent as going to a gym is not that easy but even then, if you go on a trek once a month, you will start to soon realize how amazing it feels for your body and the pros that come with it. And no, you don’t always have to go on a mountain trek, you will find plenty of trails just at the outskirts of any city these days which are equally strenuous and hit you with the same rush of adrenaline. 


Apart from this, the before and the after preparation for the trek that includes cardiovascular exercises are terrific for your body. From helping to prevent diabetes, hypertension and many more to helping you improve your overall mood and mind, trekking is an all-rounder in terms of fitness. It offers peace of mind which motivates you to train harder and trek more. Let’s know all the reasons why you should definitely start trekking as a form of fitness training and transform into the greatest version of yourself.


Trekking is said to have reduced blood pressure by at least 10 points and intense trekking helps to keep the body’s cholesterol level just perfect for you to prevent any sort of diseases and keep sudden issues such as heart attack, stroke and respiratory issues at bay.


Trekking allows you to keep moving your body which is a great way to increase your metabolism. It is said that the more you just sit in one place and spend your time, the worse it is for your decreasing metabolism so this is definitely another reason why you should get out there and start trekking!


Yes, the favourite reason of all. Burning calories can be hard but not impossible when you can trek your way through it. Burning calories amidst nature is the best way to do it, isn’t it? All the activities such as climbing, light runs, dodging are very common during a trek and helps to lose unwanted fats and water weight from your body. 


The arduous activities during a trek where you stretch, jump, climb and dodge helps you strengthen your bones to the fullest. Not only this, due to carrying stuff on your back and if carried properly without any slouching can help to increase bone density, and thereby increase your overall body fitness. 


Stress and anxiety can be a huge issue for people going about their daily lives which can add to both physical and mental health problems. Trekking helps with it by combining the physiological benefits with the mental health benefits of being outside among nature and also socializing with other people while on the trail, it is good for both mind and your body. Trekking can help you see the world with calmer and peace, which motivates you to do more and feel better. It is also known to help boost memory power and overall functionality of the brain. Mental health these days is an important criterion in everyone’s lives and is something that is also known to disrupt everyday life so it is very important to take a break now and then which you can do in the best way possible by being out there in nature. 

So now that you know this, the same old boring workouts should be out of the way, it’s time to add a little spice to your workouts and appreciate the already given natural environment in and around you. 


It is advised for people with previous injuries such as fractures, joint and limb injuries and so on to be mindful of trekking and to consult doctors beforehand. People with stage 3 and 4 arthritis should avoid trekking as it can lead to further damage. 

We know how tempting trekking is but your health comes first so it’s better to take precautions and consult your doctor beforehand. 

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