Kashti Adventures

Things You Didn't Know You Had to Carry on Trek

Trekking is quite different from travelling when it comes to packing!

Yes, in both instances you need to pack light, but what you pack and how you pack may not be same.

Here are some things to carry while trekking in Himalayas…

Rucksacks and Backpacks

First and foremost suitcases are a no, no!  Wrap your trek stuff in backpacks or rucksacks that 

  • Fits well on you back and keep your hands free while hiking. 
  • The capacity of backpack will depend on the weight you need which in turn will depend on the duration of your trip-for example for a weekend trip use a 30-50 ltr pack.
  • Buy external frame backpacks if you are carrying oversize tents etc.  Internal frame backpacks are for trips on uneven terrain.  Frameless backpacks are for ones who hike shorter distances and in a faster pace.
  • Some backpacks come with mesh like ventilation for sweaty backs.
  • There is a sleeping bag compartment at the bottom of the backpack that can be open without unloading other stuff.  
  • Rain covers will come handy during monsoon treks. 
  • Some shovel pockets for things like maps and elasticized side pockets for water bottles are preferable options to finalize  a backpack for your trekking trip.


Shoes are absolutely necessary to protect your feet during your treks.The locals walk bare feet or wear basic slippers but you cannot afford the risk.

Choose a sturdy water proof shoe based on the terrain you are going to trek. Do not forget to wear them down a bit before the trek so that they do not give a shoe bite when trekking.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is up there among the essentials for trekking in India

The trails may be far away from medical help so first aid becomes that much important.  

  • Personal medicine will be the first to go in. This refers to any special medicine you are taking for your ailments for example diabetes 
  • Follow it up with some plaster, tape and dressing to address small cuts and wounds
  • Masks, hand sanitizers etc can protect you from communicable diseases
  • Insect repellants come handy when you are moving in forests
  • Anti fungal cream to address skin irritation due to sweating
  • Some OTC medicine such as Digene, Paracetamol, Inhalers etc. come handy.


Clothing can be packed purely based on the season you are trekking. 

  • Two pairs of Ts would suffice for a short trip. Trekking pants dry super quickly and are the best bet for your trek as they are also comfortable on long trips. Purchase gaiters as per requirement.
  •  It is a good option to layer yourself in certain occasions so that you can be ready for sudden changes in temperature.


Food is at most times the responsibility of Travel companies you hire.  

  • On your accord you can carry some dry healthy snacks such as energy bars, dry fruits and chocolates.  You can also carry water,  juices, lozenges and candies.  
  • But if you are going solo then you have to plan for food as well. Get some ready to cook items such as noodles and soup along with a small stove for easy cooking. Ensure whatever you carry is light in weight and keeps you hydrated and energetic.  


Some Handy Stuff

These too should go into your trekking bag…

  • Having an Identity proof is mandatory
  • Minimum toiletry–toilet paper, toothbrush paste etc
  • Matches to start a fire
  • It is always good to carry a Rain coat, umbrella, Hats, sunscreen, glasses, gloves, jacket etc based on the place and time you are travelling.
  • Water holder/thermos to keep you hydrated
  • multiple purpose tools such as Swiss knives, repair tool kit
  • Carry some extra cash to be ready if you face an emergency
  • Headlamp or torch
  • Camera to store memories
  • Camping kits is one of the things to carry for night trek, especially  if you are going solo
  • A sturdy stick or walking poles for balance and to support your feet in case of harsh terrains
  • GPS or compass to ensure you are on the right path
  • Power banks to charge up your gadgets 
  • A whistle becomes useful if you are lost and want to call people for help


These are some basic stuff for most treks.  However some treks need special gear. Consult your trek manager if you might require any other special stuff for your current trek and plan accordingly.

Blog  by Kalpana 

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