Kashti Adventures

Benefits of Yoga While Trekking: A Naturalist’s Tribute to the Ancient Discipline

In this ever-dynamic and chaotic world, Yoga is a mystical art that is revered across the globe as a proven way of attaining peace and tranquility. In December 2014, the United Nations dedicated the 21st day of June, every year, as International Yoga Day, as a reminder to practice this evergreen discipline with utmost zeal and enthusiasm and today the 8th edition of the occasion has arrived. At Kashti Adventures, this day is of utmost importance to us.

The wholesome and uplifting motto, “Yoga for Humanity” serves the occasion well! The holistic well-being of every individual revolves around being both mentally and physically fit. The human civilization can attend the zenith of development if the yogic potential is tapped upon. Not only does yoga increase empathy, but it also promotes integrity, self-awareness, and a sense of universal brotherhood amongst people of all nations.

A Brief History

Yoga originated in India around 2700 BC, during the Vedic Era. Rig Veda, the oldest among the four Vedas is one of the oldest scriptures that mentions the term. It is believed that the yogic teachings have descended to various ‘Rishis’ since times immemorial through Lord Shiva. The Indus Valley Civilization also holds many shreds of evidence that prove the existence of this mystical art form. The proper and systematic description of Yoga, written by Maharishi Patanjali in his ‘Yoga Sutras’ is the keystone reference for modern yogic practices. 

The Practice

Having Sanskrit roots, Yoga refers to ‘Union’ with the omnipotent universal consciousness. It involves practicing Asanas(body postures), Pranayama(Breathing exercises), and Mantras(Chants of devotion). 66 Asanas increase the overall flexibility, muscle strength, and agility of the body at a physical level. On the other hand, pranayama can be easily understood by breaking the word into its original Sanskrit roots i.e,  ‘Prana’, meaning the vital life force of the body, and ‘Yama’ meaning control. Maintaining the balance of Prana in the body, through breathing exercises, is important for maintaining the mental well-being of every individual. It frees the mind of anxiety and replaces it with calmness.

Essential Role of Yoga in Trekking and Hiking

Relief During Strenuous Treks

Treks can be quite challenging and the difficulty levels may even appear to surge for beginners in the field. Practicing Asanas every day targets specific areas of the body which are otherwise forgotten about. In turn, the body gains more flexibility and a better range of movement.

Increases Mindfulness

People often turn to hikes and treks as a relief from their busy schedules. Nevertheless, the mind tends to wander upon the mundane tasks due to which it becomes nearly impossible to enjoy the marvels of nature while trekking. Practicing breathing exercises and meditating makes a person mindful of every moment and every little pleasure of the beautiful treks. It enables a traveler to cherish every moment of the journey and build memories that last for a lifetime.

Increase Decision-Making Capabilities

Practicing Yoga while trekking soothes the mind from mood swings, mindless internal chatters, and lack of attentiveness. As trekking involves passing through difficult terrains, it improves far-sightedness and increases the decision-making capabilities of a person in overcoming the obstacles of the path.

Aesthetic Pleasure

There is nothing more aesthetic than practicing meditation and Yoga Asanas amidst the lush greeneries, turquoise brooks, and towering mountains. The unparalleled experience matches none and should be tried by every trekker.


Yoga is a complete package that makes a person healthy in both spiritual and physical dimensions. The need of the hour is to understand its importance and try to incorporate it into your daily life. So, what are you waiting for, grab your yoga mat and get in touch with your inner beautiful self in the lap of mother nature!

Blog by Chandrajita Chakraborty

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